June 2006



Greetings Citizens of Santa Cruz County,


It is with great pride that we present the 2005-2006 Santa Cruz County Grand Jury Final Report. State law charges the Grand Jury with review and oversight of county agencies and entities that receive county funds. We hope that the information presented, the issues raised, and the problems found will contribute to a more responsive, accessible, and responsible government. The Grand Jury believes this report will add to your understanding of issues within Santa Cruz County.


This report is a compilation of information provided by your public officials, research by the Grand Jury, and the insights we gained during our interviews. Our charge is to make sure the information is correct and presented to you without bias. We have done our best to be objective, and it is our great hope that much good comes from our efforts.


For Santa Cruz County and the governmental entities within it, the current budget picture is challenging, and we must all do our part to ensure we make the most of our limited funds. We all have a responsibility to ensure we have the best, most efficient government possible.


We would like to thank the various entities and employees that took the time to educate us and answer our questions. I would also like to thank the fifteen remaining jurors (some of whom were alternates who stepped in mid-year) who have given generously of their most precious commodity, their own time. We are anxious for your response.





Maxine R. McNamara, Foreperson

2005-2006 Santa Cruz County Grand Jury